Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I know its been nearly a month since D-Day, and I didn't do anything on this blog to commemorate the great men who gave their lives in battle, and realizing this has made me feel quite guilty. So, I found the perfect picture on Digg, well, Adam Z. found it and I'm posting it here, I am grateful.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Kallie Bruce Engagement - Preview


Summer Youth Programs

This summer, I've been asked to shoot photos for SYP at Michigan Tech on top of my head counselor responsibilities. The first week is Women In Engineering, or WIE for short. 145 high school girls with an average GPA of 3.94 coming to check out MTU and have fun. Enjoy these photos! The first is a candid of some of the instructers.


I'm not sure why, but many photographers have what seems to be an inordinate fascination with birds. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, in fact birds are amazing creatures, but it just seems weird to me that there aren't more interest in other creatures. You never here about deer watching clubs, or clubs that are as popular for other critters that are widely respected as beautiful. I wonder what the draw is for birds. I must say, they are particularly hard to photograph, but not as hard as, say, cougars for example. Why aren't there cougar watching clubs? That seems way more exciting. Or baby bear watching clubs. That would be great. I should start one up here.

Camera Obscura

Not sure why I didn't upload this a long time ago, if you're curious to see exactly what is going on here, just check out this link.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Brick Laying

As they repave the new road through Houghton, they are also adding brick on top. A capital idea, in my opinion.

Houghton Construction

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June Ride

My parents are downstate right now camping and riding horses from one side of the peninsula to the other. I sorta wish I was down there, to spend time with them as well as milk an amazing photo op.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More from the Baltic Mine area

Since I was there so much over the last week, I'll post more photos from there.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Baltic Mine and the Cheese factory

I've been there three times in the last week, I feel as though I should start giving tours. I cut up my leg pretty well coming down the rock pile, it was my own fault, looks pretty cool, though.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Miner

My immobile, statuesque neighbor.



So, I have internet now, I'll try to post once a day or once every two days from here on out. I know this photo has that gritty HDR feel, but its not actually HDR, just Lightroom editing. Ask me about it if you're really curious.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Here are a couple photos from our spring break adventure to Panama Beach City Florida. We went with Campus Crusade for Christ to witness to the party crowd there. It was incredible.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Preserved Word Ministries

My Friend and colleague Luke Mounsey created this site, and I hope all of you can check it out, I hope to browse it extensively over the next few weeks. Here's the link:


Here's also a picture of Luke (hope you aren't mad, Luke, I know you don't like pictures!)